31 October 2004

Just an update for those who are interested.

I went to a lung specialist in Edmonton on Wednesday. The doctor examined me and all of the x-rays, and in short, told me that I'm OK. He said I have 39% more of a chance of having my lung collapse again for the next year, but didn't give me many restrictions as to activities or exercise. Apparently this happens spontaneously to tall thin people. Anyway, I'm just thankful it wasn't any more serious.
Because I'm still pretty tired and get winded easily, I'm only working behind the computer at the moment, no lifting of boxes of books or packing or anything. So my boss offered to let me to use one of his computers to work at home for the time being. That starts tomorrow.

On another note, on Wednesday I also went to the college in Spruce Grove and registered. Now I am officially going!


Rabbi Saul said...

Great to hear, Laura. God is good!

And congrats on college!

Tim G

CraftyHourMom said...
