What was I doing 10 years ago: Wow! Ten yesrs ago I was 12. Living in Smithers, homeschooling, playing War with my brother and sisters, 4H, feeding baby goats, trying to grow my hair out
5 years ago: Working for Inheritance Publications, finishing school
1 year ago: Working still, deciding whether to go to school or take another job opportunity
Yesterday: Cleaning my room and listening to Michael Card, going to a meeting, and talking on the phone till all hours
5 Snacks I enjoy: anything chocolate, Miss Vickie’s Lime & Black Pepper chips, any kind of Dutch dropjes, liquorice allsorts, fudgesicles
5 songs I know all the words to: In Christ Alone – Newsboys; Arise My Love (Song of Solomon) – Michael Card; All I Ask of You – Phantom of the Opera; God Will Provide a Lamb – Michael Card; I Could Never Promise You – Don Fransisco
5 Things I would do with a $100 million: Pay my parents back for my expensive upbringing ( :-) ), go on a one-year tour of Europe, take my family on an extended vacation, buy a better vehicle, do some more travelling
5 Locations I would like to run away to: The Netherlands, Smithers, Ontario, the Rockies, Paris
5 Bad habits I have: Being lazy, saying "I dunno" too much, not being confident enough, letting my room look like the after-effects of a tsunami, a slightly heavy foot
5 Things I like doing: Talking with friends and family, reading, calligraphy, using the computer, scrapbooking
5 TV shows I like: Sesame Street? (I never watch TV – how about favourite movies?): Phantom of the Opera, Pride & Prejudice, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Inspector General, Sound of Music...
5 Biggest joys of the moment: I’m done with school!, developing relationships with special friends, having time to read more (esp the Bible), the wonderful family I was blessed to grow up in, the smell of flowers from friends
5 Favorite toys: Computer, books, iTunes, the Internet, CDs
5 next victims: good question. I think most of you have had this one. :-/ Well, in case they ever read this: Rita, Jake, Alex, Bethany, anyone else want it?
20 July 2005
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Im stealing this and adding it to my blog. Okay I will change the answers first!
:-) Special....
yup! special is the correct word :-)
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